IPTV Tutorials How TOs... Tutorial Videos... ALL for FREE By ExYU Team Freedom over censorship truth over narrative.

IPTV Tutorials How TOs... Tutorial Videos... ALL for FREE By ExYU Team Freedom over censorship truth over narrative.

IPTV tutorijale vam donosi:
ExYU Team
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Questions with answers and instructions for uninterrupted
viewing of IPTV channels

Niste sigurni odakle da počnete?

Uređaj za IPTV

Koji mi uređaj treba? Pratite ovaj Link:
Gledanje IPTV-a (hardver)

- ExYU Team vam

Nabavite svoj kod vašeg lokalnog trgovca.
Po mogućnosti Noviju verziju sa 4K Podrškom za najbolje i najjače rezultate.
a). Kompatibilni TV je potreban za 4K HDR video prikaz (4K HDR video playback).
b). TV ili kućno kino (home theatre) koje podržava Dolby Digital Plus™ je takođe potrebno za ovu opciju da potpuno funkcioniše.
Softver - Program

OK. Uređaj već imam, ali koji je po vama najbolji:

Uputstva za vaš uređaj

Za dodatna uputstva kako postaviti IPTV liniju na vaš Uređaj ili Softver,
idite u
Glavni Menu i kliknite na:
Instrukcije - Po uređajima
te potražite svoj Uređaj u listi.

Lista kanala

Detaljnija lista kanala za svaki server koji naš Sponzor nudi možete pronaći na ovom linku:
Lista kanala
Besplatan 24 test

Zatražite BESPLATNI 24H TEST prije kupovine.


INSTANT 10% popusta na prvu kupnju,
te i do
30% na SVAKU sledeću obnovu!

SAMO LionTV server!

Napravite konačnu kupovinu na SHOP stranici našeg Sponzora
gdje su
ponude za SVE servere koje nude
ili (
za kupce LionTV servera
idite u svoj MEMBERS area i tamo izvršite kupovinu


Molimo sačekajte oko 30min (24h max.) dok Vaš Provajder ne procesira narudžbu,
nakon čega ćete dobiti vašu liniju.
👍 👌

UŽIVAJTE 100% ;-)


Device for IPTV

What device do I need? Use this Link:

Gledanje IPTV-a (hardware)



MAG Linux Devices to you.


Get yours at your local retailer.

Preferably a newer version with 4K support for the best and strongest results.

a). A compatible TV is required for 4K HDR video playback.

b). A TV or home theater that supports Dolby Digital Plus™ is also required for this option to work fully.


Softvare - program

OK. I have a device, but which one do you think is the best:





For additional instructions on how to set up an IPTV line on your Device or Software,

go to Main Menu and click on:

Instrukcije - Po uređajima (Instructions - By device used)

and search for your Device in the list.



Channel list

Check a detailed list of channels for each server our Sponsors offer on this link:

Channel List


FREE 24H test

Request a FREE 24H TEST before purchasing.




 REGISTER for an INSTANT 10% discount on your first purchase,

and up to 30% on EVERY next renewal!



LionTV Server ONLY!




Make your final purchase on our Sponsors SHOP page

or (optional)

if You are LionTV server customer,

You go can to our Sponsors Website and head over to MEMBERS area and make a purchase there





Please wait while The IPTV Provider processes your order,

after which you will receive your line.

Thank you.



ENJOY 100%


USA flag
General information
In order for the IPTV service to work on your Smart TV, the first and most important thing is that your Smart TV is connected to the modem / router with a LAN cable. It is recommended that the cable be of the best possible quality, preferably: CAT 6 or CAT 7.

ExYU flag
Generalne informacije
Da bi IPTV usluga radila na Vašem Smart TV-u, prvo i najbitnije je da
Vaš Smart TV LAN (mrežnim) kablom bude povezan na modem/router. Preporučljivo je da kabal bude što boljeg kvaliteta, po mogućnosti oznake: CAT 6 ili CAT 7.

USA flag
Which apps do You recommend?

Not all Smart TV devices are Android, and NOT all Smart TV devices have app store!

Android OS:

Philips, Sony, Panasonic, Insignia, Sharp, TCL, Westinghouse, Toshiba, Vizio...

Samsung = Tizen, Orsay

LG = Netcast, webOS

Hisense = VIDAA OS


Smart TVs are becoming very popular today and you can find them in every home. To install IPTV on Smart TV, we will mention several ways in this section. The most popular way is to download a desired quality made IPTV application to the TV and use Xtream Login Details (recommended method) or use m3u link to Login to your IPTV server.

Will the IPTV work normally on my TV?

Which problems might I have if using LG / Samsung TV (WebOS/Tizen)?

Our suggestions for IPTV apps in priority and quality for Smart TV are:

  • OTT Navigator (Android TV-s)

  • SETIPTV (Android TV-s) (Great for larger IPTV lists, which offers a 7-day trial of the player itself before purchasing it) -  LINK

  • SMARTONE Player (Samsung (Tizen, Orsay), LG (Netcast, Webos), Android TV, Fire TV, Vewd, VIDAA OS, and more) (Great for larger IPTV lists, which offers a 7-day trial of the player itself before purchasing it (Free player activation for the duration of subscription period by our sponsor in case you are their subscriber!)) -  LINK

  • IPTV Smarters PRO (Android, Samsung, LG etc.)

  • TiviMate (Android, Samsung, LG etc.) (Option for activating IPTV: Xtream Login (recommended login type), m3u link and MAG (Stalker) Portal Login! Also available in app)

  • Smart STB (Android, Samsung, LG etc.) (perhaps the best MAG emulator)


  • SMART IPTV (LG and Android TV)

  • PURPLE PLAYER (Android, Samsung, LG etc.)

  • SIPTV (has some problems at the moment, so it is NOT recommended)

  • IBO Player

  • Flix IPTV


SIPTV has had a lot of problems recently, so we don’t recommend it, but it’s still popular.

Now, there are some Smart TV-s that are NOT Android based, or actulay they don't have APP STORE at all, so you need a different approach.

Please check the MENU "Page Content" for our recommendations.

ExYU flag
Koje aplikacije predlažete?

Nisu svi Smart TV uređaji Android i nemaju svi Smart TV uređaji app store.

Android OS:

Philips, Sony, Panasonic, Insignia, Sharp, TCL, Westinghouse, Toshiba, Vizio...

Samsung = Tizen, Orsay

LG = Netcast, webOS

Hisense = VIDAA OS


Pametni televizori danas postaju vrlo popularni i možete ih pronaći u svakom domu. Kako bismo instalirali IPTV na Smart TV, spomenut ćemo nekoliko načina u ovom odjeljku. Najpopularniji način je preuzimanjem kvalitetne IPTV aplikacije, te da koristite Xtream Login podatke (preporučen metod) ili da koristite m3u link da se ulogujete na vaš IPTV server.

Napomena: SIPTV nedavno ima mnogo problema, pa ga ne preporučujemo, ali je još uvijek popularan.

Hoće li IPTV normalno raditi na mom TV-u?

Koje probleme bih mogao imati ako koristim LG / Samsung TV (WebOS/Tizen)?

Naši prijedlozi po prioritetu i kvaliteti IPTV aplikacija za Smart TV su:

  • OTT Navigator (Android TV-i)

  • SETIPTV (Android TV-i) (Odličan za veće IPTV liste, koji nudi 7 dana probe samog playera prije kupovine istog) - LINK

  • SMARTONE Player (Samsung (Tizen, Orsay), LG (Netcast, Webos), Android TV, Fire TV, Vewd, VIDAA OS, itd.) (Odličan za veće IPTV liste, koji nudi 7 dana probe samog playera prije kupovine istog (Besplatna aktivacija playera na period pretplate od strane našeg sponzora u slučaju da ste njihov pretplatnik!)) - LINK

  • IPTV Smarters PRO (Android, Samsung, LG itd.)

  • TiviMate (Android, Samsung, LG itd.) (Opcije aktivacije IPTV-a: Xtream Login (preporuka Logina), m3u link i MAG (Stalker) Portal login!  su takođe dostupni u aplikaciji)

  • Smart STB (Android, Samsung, LG itd.) (možda najbolji MAG emulator)


  • SMART IPTV (LG i Android TV)

  • PURPLE PLAYER (Android, Samsung, LG itd.)

  • SIPTV (trenutno ima problema, pa se app. ne preporučuje)

  • IBO Player

  • Flix IPTV


SIPTV nedavno ima mnogo problema, pa ga ne preporučujemo, ali je još uvijek popularan.

Mada, postoje neki Smart TV-i koji NISU bazirani na Androidu tj. zapravo nemaju APP STORE, tako da ćete u ovom slučaju morati imati malo drugačiji pristup.

Molimo provjerite Menu na vrhu stranice "Sadržaj stranice" za naše preporuke.

USA flag
Why don't the channels work on my Smart TV
even though I loaded the playlist?
1. If your IPTV provider has a huge list of Live channels and you have requested a FULL list and also wanted the VOD (movies and series) content aswell to be added, or just have too many Countries included in your list, then it is HIGH probability that due to fact that every Smart TV has low RAM memory installed and not very strong Hardvare (does NOT matter how much you paid for for it!) you might not be able to run it or it will load extremely slow.
Please ask your Provider to
REMOVE some Countries from your Live TV list and/or VOD.
2. Make sure that all the functions from the playlist also work on your computer using a IPTV Player, or even better, try it on an android device using IPTV app like XCIPTV, or install a BlueStacks Android emulator on your PC and try the line in one of the android IPTV apps like XCIPTV.

Instructions on
Android apps: HERE.
Instructions on How to Setup IPTV on

ExYU flag
Zašto kanali ne rade na Smart TV-u
iako sam učitao playlistu?
1. Ako vaš IPTV provajder ima ogromnu listu kanala uživo, a vi ste zatražili CIJELU listu i također želite da se doda i VOD (filmovi i serije) sadržaj, ili jednostavno imate previše zemalja uključenih u vašu listu, onda je VELIKA vjerovatnoća da zbog činjenice da svaki Smart TV ima instaliranu malu količinu RAM memorije i ne baš jak Hardvare (NIJE bitno koliko ste ga platili!) možda nećete moći ni da je pokrenete ili će se učitavati izuzetno sporo.
Molimo KONTAKTIRAJTE vašeg IPTV Provajdera
da vam
IZBACI neke zemlje iz liste Live TV-a i/ili VOD.
2. Provjerite dali plejlista radi na računaru pomoću VLC playera ili IPTV Player-a.
najbolje bi bilo opet ako je FULL lista, da je provjerite ili na nekom Android uređaju koristeći neku IPTV aplikaciju poput XCIPTV, ili da na vaš PC instalirate BlueStacks Android emulator, te u njemu probate liniju sa nekom IPTV aplikacijom poput XCIPTV.

Uputstva za rad sa
Android aplikacijama: OVDJE.
Uputstva za rad IPTV-a na

USA flag
Can I turn my regular TV into
a SmartTV with an Android Box?
Of course.
This is achievable because you can set up certain apps from the Google Play store, which will make your TV somewhat interactive.
Other applications can be used on your TV, including Skype, Firefox and Gmail!

ExYU flag
Mogu li svoj obični televizor Pretvoriti
u pametni televizor sa
Android Box-om?
Da biste to omogućili, možete postaviti određene aplikacije iz Google Play trgovina, što će vaš televizor učiniti interaktivnim.
Na vašem televizoru mogu se koristiti i druge aplikacije, uključujući Skype, Firefox i Gmail!

USA flag
Adult content password
You can try
0000, 1234 or 1122
to unlock adult content in your Smart TV app

ExYU flag
Lozinka za sadržaj za odrasle
Za otključavanje sadržaja za odrasle u svojoj aplikaciji Smart TV možete isprobati:
0000, 1234 ili 1122.

* All instructions are for information only. ExYU IPTV Team is not responsible for their use or misinterpretation.
*Sva uputstva su informativnog karaktera. ExYU IPTV Team ne odgovara za njihovo korištenje ni pogrešno tumačenje istih.