IPTV Tutorials How TOs... Tutorial Videos... ALL for FREE By ExYU Team Freedom over censorship truth over narrative.

IPTV Tutorials How TOs... Tutorial Videos... ALL for FREE By ExYU Team Freedom over censorship truth over narrative.

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ExYU Team
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Questions with answers and instructions for uninterrupted
viewing of IPTV channels

Windows PC & MAC
Niste sigurni odakle da počnete?

Uređaj za IPTV

Koji mi uređaj treba? Pratite ovaj Link:
Gledanje IPTV-a (hardver)

- ExYU Team vam

Nabavite svoj kod vašeg lokalnog trgovca.
Po mogućnosti Noviju verziju sa 4K Podrškom za najbolje i najjače rezultate.
a). Kompatibilni TV je potreban za 4K HDR video prikaz (4K HDR video playback).
b). TV ili kućno kino (home theatre) koje podržava Dolby Digital Plus™ je takođe potrebno za ovu opciju da potpuno funkcioniše.
Softver - Program

OK. Uređaj već imam, ali koji je po vama najbolji:

Uputstva za vaš uređaj

Za dodatna uputstva kako postaviti IPTV liniju na vaš Uređaj ili Softver,
idite u
Glavni Menu i kliknite na:
Instrukcije - Po uređajima
te potražite svoj Uređaj u listi.

Lista kanala

Detaljnija lista kanala za svaki server koji naš Sponzor nudi možete pronaći na ovom linku:
Lista kanala
Besplatan 24 test

Zatražite BESPLATNI 24H TEST prije kupovine.


INSTANT 10% popusta na prvu kupnju,
te i do
30% na SVAKU sledeću obnovu!

SAMO LionTV server!

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gdje su
ponude za SVE servere koje nude
ili (
za kupce LionTV servera
idite u svoj MEMBERS area i tamo izvršite kupovinu


Molimo sačekajte oko 30min (24h max.) dok Vaš Provajder ne procesira narudžbu,
nakon čega ćete dobiti vašu liniju.
👍 👌

UŽIVAJTE 100% ;-)


Device for IPTV

What device do I need? Use this Link:

Gledanje IPTV-a (hardware)



MAG Linux Devices to you.


Get yours at your local retailer.

Preferably a newer version with 4K support for the best and strongest results.

a). A compatible TV is required for 4K HDR video playback.

b). A TV or home theater that supports Dolby Digital Plus™ is also required for this option to work fully.


Softvare - program

OK. I have a device, but which one do you think is the best:





For additional instructions on how to set up an IPTV line on your Device or Software,

go to Main Menu and click on:

Instrukcije - Po uređajima (Instructions - By device used)

and search for your Device in the list.



Channel list

Check a detailed list of channels for each server our Sponsors offer on this link:

Channel List


FREE 24H test

Request a FREE 24H TEST before purchasing.




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LionTV Server ONLY!




Make your final purchase on our Sponsors SHOP page

or (optional)

if You are LionTV server customer,

You go can to our Sponsors Website and head over to MEMBERS area and make a purchase there





Please wait while The IPTV Provider processes your order,

after which you will receive your line.

Thank you.



ENJOY 100%

USA flag
Which apps do You recommend?

Our suggestions for priority and quality for PC & MAC are:

  • IPTV Smarters for Windows
  • Android emulators on PC
  • Perfect Player - Windows
  • VLC (Not good for larger lists!)
  • ProgDVB / ProgTV - Windows


Android emulator is a PC program that mimics the Android system normally found in our smart phones, the Android Boxes on your Windos PCs.

By installing this emulator program on your PC, you get an Android system inside the PC that has a Google Play Store and in which you can install any Android application / program, game for Android devices, Watch/stream IPTV using any Android IPTV app etc.

ExYU flag
Koje aplikacije predlažete?

Naši prijedlozi po prioritetu i kvaliteti za PC & MAC su:

  • IPTV Smarters za Windows
  • Android emulatori na PC-u
  • Perfect Player - Windows
  • VLC (nije pogodan za velike liste!)
  • ProgDVB / ProgTV - Windows


Android emulator je PC program koji instaliran na vašim Windows PC-ovima, oponaša Android sistem koji se inače nalazi u pametnim (smartphones) tefonioma i Android Box-ovima.

Instaliranjem ovakvog programa-emulatora na vaš PC, dobijete Android sistem unutar PC-a koji u sebi ima Google Play Trgovinu i u koji možete instalirati bilo kojiu android aplikaciju/program, igricu za android uređaje, gledati/strimati IPTV pomoću neke Android IPTV aplikacije  itd.

USA flag
IPTV Smarters for PC
IPTV Smarters App is now available for Windows to offer seamless experience to watch Live TV, movies, series, and videos on demand.

IPTV Smarters is one of the best IPTV players for Windows that works on an advanced application based Xtream Codes. It supports all Windows versions, including 32 and 64 bit.

To use IPTV Smarters, you simply need to enter your username, password and server URL with port to enjoy the IPTV services.
Video guide for the recommended IPTV player for PC:
How to download and install Smarters IPTV on PC

1. Open your internet browser and search for ‘DOWNLOAD IPTV SMARTERS FOR WINDOWS’ and enter the website, or click directly to THIS LINK.

2. Click on ‘FREE DEMO’ and a download button will appear.

3. Click on ‘DOWNLOAD’ and wait for the download to finish

4. Start installation. (Your downloaded files will be stored in your ‘DOWNLOAD FOLDER’ or you can click the tab on the bottom left if it’s visible’
5. Open the app and ‘COPY & PASTE’ your login details so there are no mistakes!

5.a – Any Name: Put any name you like in this box

5.b – Username: Put your username here, duh!

5.c – Password: Put your password here, double duh!

5.d – URL (Portal URL - from your IPTV Providers email): http://...trial.com:8000


6.a - Tip: use Arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll left and right to other Countries

ExYU flag
IPTV Smarters za PC
Aplikacija IPTV Smarters sada je dostupna za Windows kako bi ponudila besprijekorno iskustvo gledanja TV-a uživo, filmova, serija i video zapisa na zahtjev.

IPTV Smarters je jedan od najboljih IPTV plejera za Windows koji radi na naprednim aplikacijama baziranim na Xtream kodovima. Podržava sve Windows verzije, uključujući 32 i 64 bitne.

Da biste koristili IPTV Smarters, jednostavno trebate unijeti svoje korisničko ime, lozinku i URL servera sa portom da biste uživali u IPTV uslugama.
Video uputstvo za preporučeni IPTV player za PC:
Kako preuzeti i instalirati Smarters IPTV na PC

1. Otvorite svoj internet pretraživač i potražite ‘DOWNLOAD IPTV SMARTERS FOR WINDOWS’ i uđite na web stranicu, ili kliknite direktno na OVAJ LINK.

2. Kliknite na 'FREE DEMO' i pojavit će se dugme za preuzimanje.

3. Kliknite na 'DOWNLOAD' i pričekajte da se preuzimanje završi

4. Pokrenite instalaciju. (Vaše preuzete datoteke će biti pohranjene u vašoj 'FOLDER ZA PREUZIMANJE' ili možete kliknuti karticu u donjem lijevom kutu ako je vidljiva'
5. Otvorite aplikaciju i 'COPY & PASTE' svoje podatke za prijavu kako ne bi bilo grešaka!

5.a – Bilo koje ime: Stavite bilo koje ime koje želite u ovo polje

5.b – Korisničko ime (Username): Unesite svoje korisničko ime ovdje, huh!

5.c – Lozinka (Password): Unesite svoju lozinku ovdje, duplo huh!

5.d – URL (Portal URL - iz meila od vašeg IPTV provajdera): http://...trial.com:8000


6.a - Napomena: Koristite strelice na tastaturi da idete lijevo ili desno na ostale države

USA flag
Android Emulators for Windows PC
For those who want to have Android on their PC to Watch /Stream IPTV
Android emulator is a PC program that mimics the Android system normally found in our smart phones, the Android Boxes on your Windos PCs.

By installing this emulator program on your PC, you get an
Android system inside the PC that has a Google Play Store and in which you can install any Android application / program, game for Android devices, Watch/stream IPTV using any Android IPTV app etc.

Using it after installing the emulator itself is the same as if you were on your smartphone, only now use the mouse and keyboard of your PC to enter commands to start a game, program, etc.

USA flag
This is an emulator that mimics the Android system normally found in our smart phones, the Android Boxes on your Windos PCs.
You can download it: HERE

By installing this emulator program on your PC, you get an
Android system inside the PC that has a Google Play Store and in which you can install any Android application / program, game for Android devices, etc.
See the link below how to install it on your PC.

Using it after installing the emulator itself is the same as if you were on your smartphone, only now use the mouse and keyboard of your PC to enter commands to start a game, program, etc.

How to Download BlueStacks on Windows 10

How to Download BlueStacks on Windows 11

How to download Play Store on PC with BlueStacks

How to fix the BlueStacks 5 error caused by Windows 11 update

How to Enable Virtualization on Windows for BlueStacks 5

Activate Eco Mode on BlueStacks 5

Enable High Definition Graphics with BlueStacks 5

Enable High FPS with BlueStacks 5

Selecting a Performance Mode on BlueStacks 5

How to Play Android Games and install apps on your PC _ Mac with BlueStacks

How to download & Install apps on your PC and Mac with BlueStacks

This is another very good emulator that mimics the Android system normally found in our smart tefonioma, the Android Boxes on your Windos PCs.
You can download it: HERE

By installing this emulator program on your PC, you get an Android system inside the PC that has a Google Play Store and in which you can install any Android application / program, game for Android devices, etc.
See the link below how to install it on your PC.

Using it after installing the emulator itself is the same as if you were on your smartphone, only now use the mouse and keyboard of your PC to enter commands to start a game, program, etc.
Click the picture for Video instructions

Please follow the instruction below to set up your keymapping so you can enjoy playing Android games with your keyboard, mouse, or controller.

  • keymapping so you can enjoy playing Android games with your keyboard, mouse, or controller
  • keymapping so you can enjoy playing Android games with your keyboard, mouse, or controller
  • keymapping so you can enjoy playing Android games with your keyboard, mouse, or controller
  • keymapping so you can enjoy playing Android games with your keyboard, mouse, or controller
  • keymapping so you can enjoy playing Android games with your keyboard, mouse, or controller
Extended Readings:


[Video Tutorial] MEmu App Player

[Video Tutorial] Multi-MEmu User Guide


>> Back to MEmu Support, everything you need to know about MEmu <<

ExYU flag
Android Emulatori za Windows PC
Za one koji žele imati Android na svom PC-u da Gledaju/Strimaju IPTV
Android emulator je PC program koji oponaša Android sistem koji se inače nalazi u našim pametnim tefonioma, Android Box-ovima na vašim Windos PC-ovima.

Instaliranjem ovakvog programa-emulatora na vaš PC, dobijete
Android sistem unutar PC-a koji u sebi ima Google Play Trgovinu i u koji možete da instalirati bilo kojiu android aplikaciju/program, igricu za android uređaje, gledati/strimati IPTV pomoću neke Android IPTV aplikacije  itd.

Korištenje posle instalacije samog emulatora, jednakoje  kao da ste na vašem smart telefonu, samo sada koristite miš i tastaturu vašeg PC-a da unesete komande za pokretanje neke igre, programa itd.

ExYU flag
Ovo je emulator koji oponaša Android sistem koji se inače nalazi u našim pametnim tefonioma, Android Box-ovima na vašim Windos PC-ovima.
Skinuti ga možete: OVDE

Instaliranjem ovog programa-emulatora na vaš PC, dobijete
Android sistem unutar PC-a koji u sebi ima Google Play Trgovinu i u koji možete da instalirati bilo kojiu android aplikaciju/program, igricu za android uređaje itd.
Pogledajte u linku dole kako ga instalirati na vaš PC.

Korištenje je posle instalacije samog emulatora, jednako kao da ste na vašem smart telefonu, samo sada koristite miš i tastaturu vašeg PC-a da unesete komande za pokretanje neke igre, programa itd.

Kako skinuti/instalirati BlueStacks na Windows 10

Kako skinuti/instalirati BlueStacks na Windows 11

How to download Play Store on PC with BlueStacks

Kako popraviti BlueStacks 5 prouzrokovan Windows 11 apdejtom

Kako osposobiti Virtualizaciju BlueStacks 5 na Windows-u

Aktivacija "Eco Mode" na BlueStacks 5

Upaliti opciju "High Definition Graphics" na BlueStacks 5

Upaliti opciju "High FPS" na BlueStacks 5

Odabir moda "Performance Mode" na BlueStacks 5

How to Play Android Games and install apps on your PC _ Mac with BlueStacks

Kako skinuti i instalirati Android aplikacije na vaš PC & Mac na  BlueStacks Android emulator

Ovo je još jedan jako dobar emulator koji oponaša Android sistem koji se inače nalazi u našim pametnim tefonioma, Android Box-ovima na vašim Windos PC-ovima.
Skinuti ga možete: OVDE

Instaliranjem ovog programa-emulatora na vaš PC, dobijete Android sistem unutar PC-a koji u sebi ima Google Play Trgovinu i u koji možete da instalirati bilo koju Android aplikaciju / program, igricu za android uređaje itd.
Pogledajte u linku dole kako ga instalirati na vaš PC.

Korištenje je posle instalacije samog emulatora, jednako kao da ste na vašem smart telefonu, samo sada koristite miš i tastaturu vašeg PC-a da unesete komande za pokretanje neke igre, programa itd.
Klik na sliku za Video uputstvo

Slijedite upute u nastavku kako biste postavili mapiranje tipkovnice tako da možete uživati u igranju Android igara pomoću tastature, miša ili kontrolera.

  • keymapping so you can enjoy playing Android games with your keyboard, mouse, or controller
  • keymapping so you can enjoy playing Android games with your keyboard, mouse, or controller
  • keymapping so you can enjoy playing Android games with your keyboard, mouse, or controller
  • keymapping so you can enjoy playing Android games with your keyboard, mouse, or controller
  • keymapping so you can enjoy playing Android games with your keyboard, mouse, or controller
Prošireno štivo (uputstva):

Video tutorijali:

[Video Tutorial] MEmu App Player

[Video Tutorial] Multi-MEmu User Guide


>> Nazad na MEmu Support, sve što trebate znati o MEmu <<

* All instructions are for information only. ExYU IPTV Team is not responsible for their use or misinterpretation.
*Sva uputstva su informativnog karaktera. ExYU IPTV Team ne odgovara za njihovo korištenje ni pogrešno tumačenje istih.