IPTV Tutorials How TOs... Tutorial Videos... ALL for FREE By ExYU Team Freedom over censorship truth over narrative.

IPTV Tutorials How TOs... Tutorial Videos... ALL for FREE By ExYU Team Freedom over censorship truth over narrative.

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ExYU Team
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Questions with answers and instructions for uninterrupted
viewing of IPTV channels

FAQ - Generalno
Niste sigurni odakle da počnete?

Uređaj za IPTV

Koji mi uređaj treba? Pratite ovaj Link:
Gledanje IPTV-a (hardver)

- ExYU Team vam

Nabavite svoj kod vašeg lokalnog trgovca.
Po mogućnosti Noviju verziju sa 4K Podrškom za najbolje i najjače rezultate.
a). Kompatibilni TV je potreban za 4K HDR video prikaz (4K HDR video playback).
b). TV ili kućno kino (home theatre) koje podržava Dolby Digital Plus™ je takođe potrebno za ovu opciju da potpuno funkcioniše.
Softver - Program

OK. Uređaj već imam, ali koji je po vama najbolji:

Uputstva za vaš uređaj

Za dodatna uputstva kako postaviti IPTV liniju na vaš Uređaj ili Softver,
idite u
Glavni Menu i kliknite na:
Instrukcije - Po uređajima
te potražite svoj Uređaj u listi.

Lista kanala

Detaljnija lista kanala za svaki server koji naš Sponzor nudi možete pronaći na ovom linku:
Lista kanala
Besplatan 24 test

Zatražite BESPLATNI 24H TEST prije kupovine.


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te i do
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SAMO LionTV server!

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gdje su
ponude za SVE servere koje nude
ili (
za kupce LionTV servera
idite u svoj MEMBERS area i tamo izvršite kupovinu


Molimo sačekajte oko 30min (24h max.) dok Vaš Provajder ne procesira narudžbu,
nakon čega ćete dobiti vašu liniju.
👍 👌

UŽIVAJTE 100% ;-)


Device for IPTV

What device do I need? Use this Link:

Gledanje IPTV-a (hardware)



MAG Linux Devices to you.


Get yours at your local retailer.

Preferably a newer version with 4K support for the best and strongest results.

a). A compatible TV is required for 4K HDR video playback.

b). A TV or home theater that supports Dolby Digital Plus™ is also required for this option to work fully.


Softvare - program

OK. I have a device, but which one do you think is the best:





For additional instructions on how to set up an IPTV line on your Device or Software,

go to Main Menu and click on:

Instrukcije - Po uređajima (Instructions - By device used)

and search for your Device in the list.



Channel list

Check a detailed list of channels for each server our Sponsors offer on this link:

Channel List


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if You are LionTV server customer,

You go can to our Sponsors Website and head over to MEMBERS area and make a purchase there





Please wait while The IPTV Provider processes your order,

after which you will receive your line.

Thank you.



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What is IPTV?
What is IPTV?
IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) or better known in our country as "Internet television" differs from classic television because the signal to the TV is transmitted via the existing Internet infrastructure instead of via classic radio frequencies, satellite signals and cable television formats.

The advantage of IPTV, compared to cable or satellite TV, is that you can have many more channels for a much smaller monthly subscription, all with good picture quality. Another great advantage is that you do not need any additional equipment, such as a satellite dish or cable connection. All you need is a stable internet connection and a device through which it is possible to use the IPTV service.

With all these advantages, it is necessary to know that IPTV technology is still in development and that it cannot provide stability like satellite or cable television. IPTV service depends on many factors - from your internet connection, various server distances, network load, etc. Of course, we as a provider, try to cause as few disturbances as possible and if they occur, to solve them as soon as possible!

Šta je IPTV?
Šta je IPTV?
IPTV (Internet Protokol Televizija) ili kod nas poznatija kao „internet televizija“ se razlikuje od klasične televizije jer se signal do televizora prenosi putem postojaće internet infrastrukture umesto preko klasičnih radio frekvencija, satelitskih signala i kablovske televizije formata.

Prednost IPTV-a, u odnosu na kablovsku ili satelitsku televiziju, je to što možete imati mnogo više kanala za mnogo manju mesečnu pretplatu, a sve to uz dobar kvalitet slike. Druga velika prednost je to što Vam nije potrebna nikakva dodatna oprema, poput satelitske antene ili kablovskog priključka. Potrebna Vam je samo stabilna internet konekcija i uređaj preko kojeg je moguće koristiti IPTV uslugu.

Uz sve te prednosti, potrebno je znati da je IPTV tehnologija još uvek u razvoju i da ne može pružiti stabilnost poput satelitske ili kablovske televizije. IPTV usluga zavisi od mnogih faktora – od Vaše internet konekcije, raznih udaljenosti servera, opterećenosti mreže itd. Naravno, mi kao provajder, nastojimo da dolazi do što manje smetnji i ukoliko dođe do njih, da ih rešimo u što kraćem roku!

How to measure the speed of your own internet?
Visit Speedtest.net and click on the large
Begin Test” or “GO” button.
At the end of the test you will get your actual internet speed.

Kako izmeriti brzinu vašeg interneta?
Posetite stranicu Speedtest.net i kliknite na veliko dugme
Begin Test” ili "GO".
Po završetku testa dobiti ćete Vašu stvarnu brzinu interneta..

How to ensure a stable internet connection?
This is just a brief explanation, although you have a slightly more specific answer in the site section:
Directions - Baffering in IPTV.

It is important to draw a parallel between fast and stable internet - not every fast internet is stable and it is very important to understand and it does not matter whether it is the best provider in the city or the most expensive package that exists - stability does not depend only on your ISP but also from other factors.

A very stable flow is required to watch IPTV channels. Flow stability is a more important factor than its speed. Speed can only be a problem if it is below 10-15Mbit / s. As an end user of an Internet package, you can ensure the stability of the flow by using a quality LAN cable to connect your TV or IPTV Box to the Internet. The recommendation for a LAN cable is LAN CAT 6 or even better LAN CAT 7, the shortest length that suits your need (if you can connect the TV / IPTV Box with a 1m LAN cable, do not buy a 2m LAN cable).

Kako osigurati stabilnu internet konekciju?
Ovo je samo ukratko objašnjenje, mada imate malo konkretniji odgovor u sekciji sajta:
Uputstva - Baffering in IPTV.

Bitno je povući paralelu između brzog i stabilnog interneta – nije svaki brz internet stabilan i to je jako bitno razumeti i tu se ne pravi razlika da li je u pitanju najbolji provajder u gradu ili najskuplji paket koji postoji –  stabilnost ne zavisi samo od Vašeg internet provajdera već i od drugih faktora.

Za gledanje IPTV kanala je potreban jako stabilan protok. Stabilnost protoka je bitniji faktor od same brzine istog. Brzina jedino može biti problem ukoliko je ispod 10-15Mbit/s. Kao krajnji korisnik nekog internet paketa, stabilnost protoka možete osigurati korišćenjem kvalitetnog LAN kabla kojim ćete povezati svoj TV uređaj ili IPTV Box na internet. Preporuka za LAN kabal je LAN CAT 6 ili još bolje LAN CAT 7, najkraće dužine koja odgovara Vašoj potrebi (ukoliko TV / IPTV Box možete povezati LAN kablom od 1m, nemojte kupovati LAN kabal od 2m).

The movie or TV Channel I am watching often buffs, freezes.
Sometimes you can feel buffering as a result of high traffic or slow speeds on your Internet. If buffering problems are still present, try pressing the "Pause" button and pause for say 15-30 seconds before resuming the movie. This often corrects the buffering problem.

This is just a brief explanation, although you have a slightly more specific answer in the site section:
Baffering in IPTV.

Film ili TV Kanal koji gledam često baferuje, koči.
Ponekad možete osjetiti baffering kao rezultat velikog prometa ili sporih brzina na vašem Internetu. Ako su problemi sa buferingom i dalje prisutni, pokušajte pritisnuti tipku „Pauza“ i ostaviti pauzirano recimo 15-30 sekundi prije nastavka filma. Ovo često ispravlja problem buferinga.

Ovo je samo ukratko objašnjenje, mada imate malo konkretniji odgovor u sekciji sajta:
Baffering in IPTV.

Why I have problems with buffering
on some channels?
To begin, inspect the router or modem and make sure they are connected. Restart both devices before reviewing the settings of each device on which your IPTV subscription is running. If the problems persist, your ISP may be blocking IPTV traffic. Try another ISP connection to resolve and verify this. Problems should stop once you do.

Zašto imam problema sa baferingom
na nekim kanalima?
Za početak pregledajte ruter ili modem i osigurajte da su priključeni. Ponovno pokrenite oba uređaja prije pregleda postavki svakog uređaja na kojem je pokrenuta vaša IPTV pretplata. Ako se problemi nastave, vaš ISP možda blokira promet za IPTV. Isprobajte drugu ISP vezu da biste to riješili i provjerili. Problemi bi trebali prestati nakon što to učinite.

Which devices do you recommend?
Although nowadays most users own Smart TVs and use IPTV services on these TVs through various applications, they are not the best choice of devices. Smart TVs are not the original purpose and nowadays there are much better devices that can provide you with a better and better experience of watching IPTV services - IPTV Boxes. If you want to know more, Contact us and we will advise you individually and recommend which Box is best for you.
In any case, we support a variety of devices, including Smart TV, Kodi, VLC, PC, Vu +, MAG Box, Enigma, Android Boxes, Android smartphones and Max.

In any case, we
STRONGLY recommend
MAG Linux Box
which is a specialized device for IPTV.

In case you have, say, a Smart TV or Android Box, then it is also OK, although this function is not their primary one. However, in order not to expose the customer to additional costs, Smart TV, Android Boxes etc. devices, can also serve you well.

Koje uređaje preporučujete?
Iako u današnje vreme većina korisnika poseduje pametne televizore (Smart TV) i preko raznih aplikacija koristi IPTV usluge na tim televizorima, oni nisu najbolji izbor uređaja. Smart televizorima to nije prvobitna namena i u današnje vreme postoji mnogo boljih uređaja koji vam mogu pružiti bolji i kvalitetniji doživljaj gledanja IPTV usluge – IPTV Boxovi. Ukoliko želite da znate više, kontaktirajte nas i mi ćemo vas individualno posavetovati i preporučiti koji je Box najbolji za vas.
U savkom slučaju, mi podržavamo razne uređaje, uključujući Smart TV, Kodi, VLC, PC, Vu +, MAG Box LINUX, Enigma, Android Boxove, Android pametne telefone i Max.

U svakom slučaju vam
MAG Linux Box
koji je specijalizovan uređaj baš za IPTV.

U slučaju da imate recimo Smart TV ili Android Box, onda su i oni OK, iako im ova funkcija nije primarna. No, u cilju neizlaganja kupca dodatnim troškovima, može vas i Smart TV, Android Box isl. uređaji, kvalitetno poslužiti.

Ethernet LAN network cable Connection or
We always suggest Ethernet connections (hardware connections - LAN cable) for optimal resolution and the best connection between your device and the router.
As an end user of an Internet package, you can ensure the stability of the flow by using a quality LAN cable to connect your TV or IPTV Box to the Internet.
The recommendation for a LAN cable is LAN CAT 6 or even better LAN CAT 7, the shortest length that suits your need (if you can connect the TV / IPTV Box with a 1m LAN cable, do not buy a 2m LAN cable).

Ethernet LAN-mrežni kabal ili
Wi-Fi ?
Uvijek predlažemo Ethernet veze (hardver veze - LAN kabal) za optimalnu rezoluciju i najbolu konekciju između vašeg uređaja i rutera.
Kao krajnji korisnik nekog internet paketa, stabilnost protoka možete osigurati korišćenjem kvalitetnog LAN kabla kojim ćete povezati svoj TV uređaj ili IPTV Box na internet.
Preporuka za LAN kabal je LAN CAT 6 ili još bolje LAN CAT 7, najkraće dužine koja odgovara Vašoj potrebi (ukoliko TV / IPTV Box možete povezati LAN kablom od 1m,
nemojte kupovati LAN kabal od 2m).

What is Android TV Box?
Android TV box is basically a small computer that runs on an Android-based OS and runs various applications, like "XMBC Remote" and our recommended IPTV player XCIPTV are just some of the applications that can be installed on a device like this.

Šta je Android TV Box?
Android TV box je u osnovi mali računar koji radi na OS-u baziranom na Androidu i pokreće razne aplikacije, kao „XMBC Remote“ i naš preporučeni IPTV player XCIPTV su samo neke od aplikacija koje se
mogu instalirati na ovakav uređaj.

Where can I find
Username, Password &
Server Name?
You can find all these mentioned details in your M3U URL.


get.php? username=1234567890
&password= 9876543210

Where it would be:

Server name:   http://smartiptv.club:8080
Username:       1234567890
Password:        9876543210

Do not attempt to use this information as a username and password. They are just an example!

Gdje pronaći
Username, Password &
Server Name?
Sve ove spomenute detalje možete pronaći u svom M3U URL-u.


get.php? username=
&password= 9876543210

Gdje bi bilo:

Server name:  
Username:       1234567890
Password:        9876543210

Ne pokušavajte koristiti ove podatke kao username i password. Oni su samo primjer!

What are some of the basics of an IPTV system?
There are several basic IPTV systems used to access content. IPTV systems can be channeled from the broadcast platform and shown to multiple viewers at the same time, depending on your IPTV service provider. IPTV systems can be used to offer VOD (video on demand i.e. movies and series). The system is accessed via a set-top box (together with appropriate accessories)

Koje su neke od osnova IPTV sistema?
Postoji nekoliko osnovnih IPTV sistema koji se koriste za pristup sadržaju. IPTV sistemi mogu se kanalizirati s platforme za emitiranje i istovremeno prikazivati kod više gledatelja, što zavisi od vašeg davatelja IPTV usluga. IPTV sistemi se mogu koristiti za nuđenje VOD-a (video na zahtjev tj. Filmovi i serije). Sistemu se pristupa putem set-top box-a (zajedno sa odgovarajućom dodatnom opremom)

What are the conditions for IPTV to work?
There are basically three requirements

1. Find a supplier and buy an IPTV.

2. Obtain a device that supports the IPTV service.

3. You need an IPTV application running on your device.
It is worth mentioning that the application is only a player that acts as an intermediary between your device and the connection to the IPTV subscription.

Koji su uslovi da bi IPTV mogao raditi?
U osnovi postoje tri zahtjeva

1.  Pronađite dobavljača i kupite IPTV.

2.  Nabavite uređaj koji podržava uslugu IPTV.

3.  Trebate aplikaciju IPTV koja radi na vašem uređaju.
Vrijedi spomenuti da je aplikacija samo igrač koji radi kao posrednik između vašeg uređaja i veze na IPTV pretplatu.

How to get IPTV?
There are so many IPTV providers and vendors that offer and sell IPTV subscriptions, however, it is crucial to find a reliable and quality provider that offers the channel list exactly the way you want it. Some IPTV service providers, for example, offer IPTV for UK channels, while others IPTV for US and Arab IPTV.

On the other hand, we exist as suppliers that offer IPTV subscriptions with
ALL of the World's Largest TV channels, movies and TV shows,
and a
specialized IPTV list for ExYU users!

Kako doći do IPTV-a?
Postoji toliko puno IPTV dobavljača i prodavača koji nude i prodaju pretplate na IPTV, međutim, presudno je pronaći pouzdanog i kvalitetnog dobavljača koji nudi listu kanala baš onakvu kakvu želite. Neki pružatelji IPTV usluga, na primjer, nude IPTV za britanske kanale, dok drugi IPTV za SAD i Arapska IPTV.

S druge strane, postojimo MI kao dobavljači koji nudimo IPTV pretplatu sa
SVIM Najvećim Svjetskim TV kanalima, filmovima i TV emisijama,
specijalizovanu IPTV listu za ExYU korisnike!

Are there free IPTV services?
Yes, there are free IPTV services, however, those services come with annoying commercials, buffers, and frequent image freezing. Moreover, your data is shared with third parties and
they are
not secure or safe to use.

Postoje li besplatne IPTV usluge?
Da, postoje besplatne usluge IPTV, međutim, te usluge dolaze s dosadnim reklamama, baferima i čestim zamrzavanjem slike. Štaviše, vaši podaci se dijele sa trećim stranama i
nisu sigurni.

Can I watch IPTV on several devices
at the Same Time with one subscription?
Note that 1 subscription can be used on an
unlimited number of devices,
but at the same time you can watch
on 1 device only!

Mogu li gledati IPTV na
više uređaja
istovremeno s jednom pretplatom?
Obratite pažnju da se 1 pretplata može koristiti na neograničenom broju uređaja,
ali istovremeno možete gledati
samo na 1 uređaju.

How much internet speed is needed
to use IPTV stream?
IP networks are optimized to use the best possible connections so that users can get high quality output. We maintain a level of performance to regularly ensure the highest possible quality.
More detailed information is available HERE.

Kolika je potrebna brzina interneta za gledanje
IPTV stream-a?
IP mreže su optimizirane za korištenje najboljih mogućih veza kako bi korisnici mogli dobiti visokokvalitetni izlaz. Održavamo razinu performansi kako bismo redovito osiguravali najviši mogući kvalitet.
Detaljnije informacije možete pronaći na OVOM LINKU.

Is the IPTV content in
HD Quality?
Updated H264 technologies are used for our IPTV streams, providing users with the highest quality and compression settings available. The sizes of IPTV streams are approximately 18 Mbit. When the channels change, the H264 protocol may be moderately larger.
As such, a
26 Mbit internet connection is the minimum required speed
HD channels require at least 40 Mbit).

Prikazuje li se sadržaj visokog
HD kvaliteta?
Ažurirane tehnologije H264 koriste se za naše IPTV streamove, pružajući korisnicima najviše postavke kvaliteta i kompresije na raspolaganju. Veličine IPTV tokova su približno 18 Mbit. Kada se kanali promijene, protokol H264 može biti umjereno veći.
Kao takva, internetska veza od
26 Mbit minimalna je potrebna brzina
HD kanale potrebno je najmanje 40 Mbit).

Is it necessary to use
satellite or antenna equipment?
Satellite or antenna equipment is not required to use IPTV. Our servers will connect you to the IPTV platform via your internet connection.

Da li je za IPTV-a potrebna
satelitska ili antenska oprema?
Oprema za satelite ili antene nije potrebna za upotrebu IPTV-a. Naši serveri povezat će vas s IPTV platformom putem vaše internet veze.

How much time does it take to get
support-help answer?
Request for technical support or account activation via ticket will be answered within 1 to 2 hours max. However, we strive to respond within and less than an hour of receiving any tickets.
Note: response time can be up to 24 hours during peak periods.

Koliko je potrebno da se dobije
odgovor za podršku-pomoć?
Zahtjev za tehničku podršku ili aktivaciju računa putem ulaznice dobit ćete odgovor u roku od 1 do 2 sata max. Međutim, trudimo se odgovoriti u roku od i manje od sat vremena od dobivanja bilo koje karte.
Napomena: vrijeme odziva može biti i 24 sata tokom vršnih (peak) razdoblja.

work in any country?
IPTV works in any country as long as your Internet Service Provider (ISP) allows IP from IPTV service providers (because for example some of our IPTV packages do not work in the Netherlands and UK without using paid VPN Service).
Recommended VPN HERE!
Some ISPs do not allow the connection, so it will not work. But with the use of a VPN it should work again. This possible problem is sometimes faced by all IPTV services.
This is another reason why
we insist on TEST first, before buying any package.

Dali IPTV radi
u bilo kojoj zemlji?
IPTV radi u bilo kojoj zemlji sve dok vaš dobavljač internetskih usluga (ISP) dozvoljava IP od davatelja IPTV usluga (jer npr. neki naši IPTV paketi ne rade u Holandiji i UK bez korištenja plažene verzije VPN).
Preporučeni VPN ovdje!
Neki dobavljači internetskih usluga ne dopuštaju vezu, stoga ona neće raditi. Ali uz korištenje VPN-a bi opet trebala raditi. Sa tim eventualnim problemom se svi IPTV servisi ponekad suočavaju.
To je još jedan od razloga zbog kojeg i
insistiramo na TEST-u prvo, prije kupovine bilo kojeg paketa.

Is it safe to use
VPN with IPTV?
Yes, it is safe to use a VPN with IPTV, actually it's
warmly recommended.

As mentioned above, some ISPs do not allow IPTV connection, using VPN, you will overcome this problem.

Why should you use VPN - HERE


Da li je sigurno koristiti
VPN s IPTV-om?
Da, sigurno je koristiti VPN s IPTV-om, zapravo se
toplo preporučuje.

Kao što je gore spomenuto, neki dobavljači internetskih usluga ne dopuštaju IPTV vezu, koristeći VPN, prebrodit ćete ovaj problem.

Zašto koristiti IPTV sa VPN-om - OVDJE


Can I turn my TV into
a Smart TV with an
Android TV Box?
Of course.
With the Android Set-Top Box, this is very achievable, because then you can set up certain applications from the Google Play store, which will make your TV somewhat interactive. Other applications can be used on your TV, including Skype, Firefox and Gmail!

Mogu li svoj televizor pretvoriti u
Pametni TV sa
Android TV Box-om?
Sa Android Set-Top Box-om to je itekako ostvarivo, jer tada možete postaviti određene aplikacije iz Google Play trgovine, što će vaš televizor učiniti donekle interaktivnim. Na vašem televizoru mogu se koristiti i druge aplikacije, uključujući Skype, Firefox i Gmail!

* All instructions are for information only. ExYU IPTV Team is not responsible for their use or misinterpretation.
*Sva uputstva su informativnog karaktera. ExYU IPTV Team ne odgovara za njihovo korištenje ni pogrešno tumačenje istih.

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