IPTV Tutorials How TOs... Tutorial Videos... ALL for FREE By ExYU Team Freedom over censorship truth over narrative.

IPTV Tutorials How TOs... Tutorial Videos... ALL for FREE By ExYU Team Freedom over censorship truth over narrative.

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Questions with answers and instructions for uninterrupted
viewing of IPTV channels
IPTV on PS4 console
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Uređaj za IPTV

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- ExYU Team vam

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Po mogućnosti Noviju verziju sa 4K Podrškom za najbolje i najjače rezultate.
a). Kompatibilni TV je potreban za 4K HDR video prikaz (4K HDR video playback).
b). TV ili kućno kino (home theatre) koje podržava Dolby Digital Plus™ je takođe potrebno za ovu opciju da potpuno funkcioniše.
Softver - Program

OK. Uređaj već imam, ali koji je po vama najbolji:

Uputstva za vaš uređaj

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idite u
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te potražite svoj Uređaj u listi.

Lista kanala

Detaljnija lista kanala za svaki server koji naš Sponzor nudi možete pronaći na ovom linku:
Lista kanala
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Device for IPTV

What device do I need? Use this Link:

Gledanje IPTV-a (hardware)



MAG Linux Devices to you.


Get yours at your local retailer.

Preferably a newer version with 4K support for the best and strongest results.

a). A compatible TV is required for 4K HDR video playback.

b). A TV or home theater that supports Dolby Digital Plus™ is also required for this option to work fully.


Softvare - program

OK. I have a device, but which one do you think is the best:





For additional instructions on how to set up an IPTV line on your Device or Software,

go to Main Menu and click on:

Instrukcije - Po uređajima (Instructions - By device used)

and search for your Device in the list.



Channel list

Check a detailed list of channels for each server our Sponsors offer on this link:

Channel List


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How to Install IPTV on PS4 and PS3
IPTV apps can be installed on any smart device that has an internet connection being the only requirement. Apart from Android smartphones and Firestick devices, you can install and stream IPTV videos on PlayStation gaming consoles too. With the Plex app, you can stream IPTV on PS4 and PS3. In PlayStation, you can install additional apps from the Microsoft Store.

The limitation with the PlayStation is that there are no IPTV apps available in the Microsoft Store. To stream IPTV on PlayStation, you must use both the Plex Media Server and the Plex Media Player app. Streaming IPTV with Plex on PS4 and PS3 is a long and tedious process. Follow the steps carefully to get an IPTV provider on PS3 and PS4.

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How to Install IPTV on PS4 and PS3
IPTV aplikacije se mogu instalirati na bilo koji pametni uređaj koji ima internet vezu kao jedini uslov. Osim na Android pametnim telefonima i Firestick uređajima, IPTV videozapise možete instalirati i strimovati i na PlayStation igraćim konzolama. Uz Plex aplikaciju možete streamati IPTV na PS4 i PS3. Na PlayStationu možete instalirati dodatne aplikacije iz Microsoft Store-a.

Ograničenje kod PlayStationa je to što u Microsoft Store-u nema dostupnih IPTV aplikacija. Da biste streamali IPTV na PlayStationu, morate koristiti i Plex Media Server i Plex Media Player aplikaciju. Streaming IPTV-a s Plexom na PS4 i PS3 je dug i naporan proces. Pažljivo pratite korake da biste dobili IPTV provajdera na PS3 i PS4.

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How to Install IPTV on

PS4 and PS3

[Complete Guide]

The aim of this guide is to introduce you to how to use Plex on your PS4 to stream IPTV channels.

Plex is a Media server program for general users and its use does NOT require a high level of technical knowledge compared to other competitors. Plex allows users to stream media content from their home network to all compatible devices.

PLEX Player - Step: 1
Plex overview

Plex is emerging as a media playback system that allows users to easily share their movies, TV series, songs, photos and basically any multimedia content they have in store. It uses a server to host all your media content and a media player to stream content. By installing Plex Media Server on a PC on your personal network and adding media content to your libraries, the server will retrieve library-related information. When this is done, you can connect the playback application (in Plex called Client) to the computer in the living room, mobile phone, tablets, etc. By connecting these devices to your home network, applications will instantly recognize the server and display your media content ready for playback and streaming.

Place your facilities in a central location

To use Plex and make it functional, you need to set up a server on your computer somewhere in your home. Without setting up a server, Applications will not be able to play any media content. This process might seem a bit complicated, however, the benefits it provides are enormous. According to our personal experience, the first time we filled the plexus, it was extraordinary and exciting to use.

Easy sharing

Combining the application with your Plex structure is easy. You must first install the application, run it and see it while it detects Plex servers on the network. The server transmits application details about your personal media library and is ready to view. The great thing about this part is that, when the server is properly installed and working and not working, you don’t have to take any extra steps. It actually takes a few seconds for the app to recognize the content and play it back.

Centralized control

Retaining all your content stored on a central server indicates that you have a unique place to control your media content collection. You can add new movies or simply edit the poster image used for your favorite TV series. Each server feature is controlled via the Plex Web App. It works in a web browser from anywhere in your home, so you don’t have to be in a particular place to invent your media library. When a change is made, it is immediately available to all applications in your home without further action.

Make a note of what you watched

The server keeps a record of what you viewed or are in the process of viewing. Each archive has a "observed" status sign that lets you know that you have or have not viewed the content. Plus, if you stopped watching in the middle of the show, it recognizes where you stopped and tries to start from where you left off. This feature appears in any app, not just the one where you started watching content at all.

  • PLEX Player - Step: 2

How to bring IPTV channels to PS4 using Plex

Requirements to add IPTV on PlayStation 3 & 4

Before you know how to add IPTV to Plex on PlayStation, you need some preliminary requirements:

  • PC – Windows or Mac
  • IPTV Plugin
  • Notepad++ app
  • Plex app
  • Plex account

Check instructions on how to get it done.

How to bring IPTV channels to PS4 using Plex

Step 1: Start by downloading Notepad ++ and install it to proceed to the next step.



or a newer version.

Step 2: Now go to https://www.plex.tv and create an account. As we mentioned in the article above, you can use plex to stream movies, music, and pictures from your computer, but this guide will focus on IPTV for the PS4.

PLEX Player - Step: 1 and 2

Step 3: After creating the account, go to the "Downloads" section and look for "Plex Media Server" and download it.

PLEX Player - Step: 3

Step 4: After downloading and installing Plex, you can run it.

PLEX Player - Step: 4

Step 5: Now you need an IPTV plug-in for Plex.

Step 6: After extracting the folder, you need to paste the entire folder (IPTV.bundle-master) in this place:

C: / users / "your computer username" / AppData / Local / Plex Media Server / Plug-ins

Step 7: After extracting the zip file, you will see a subfolder called content, inside that folder there is a file called info (.plist). Right click on this file and select the "edit with Notepad ++" option, you will notice this image:

PLEX Player - Step: 5

Step 8: Now you need to remove the bold part of the line:


and just leave


   just like the picture below:

PLEX Player - Step: 6

Step 9: Open the "Contents" folder and open the "resources". Here you need to download your "M3U playlist", which you received from your IPTV provider, and replace it with this existing M3U playlist that already exists in this folder.


This M3U playlist should be replaced say once a month, at least. Because, with this type of IPTV player, it will only have TV channels, Movies and series that the list had in it at the time of downloading from the Internet. The M3U playlist is downloaded by simply clicking on the link sent to you by your IPTV provider and Chrome will, if it is your favorite internet browser, download it automatically to your PC.

PLEX Player - Step: 7

Step 10: Go back to the "IPTV.bundle-master" folder and rename it to "IPTV.bundle"

Step 11: The PC part is done for now. Turn on your PS4, open a store and look for PLEX and download it.

PLEX Player - Step: 8

Step 12: After downloading and running Plex on PS4, you need a login code to your account that you can open at


and enter it.

PLEX Player - Step: 9

Step 13: As a final step, open Plex on your computer and then on PS4 to watch the channels you added earlier.


* Plex needs to be opened constantly on your computer before watching channels on your PS4.

* Don't forget to close and restart (restart) PLEX on your computer and Playstation after updating playlist.m3u inside the resources folder.

* Channels are also available for streaming on your phones and tablets via the Plex app on your PC.

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Kako instalirati IPTV na

PS4 i PS3

[Kompletan vodič]

Cilj ovog vodiča je upoznati vas s načinom upotrebe Plex-a na vašem PS4 za streaming IPTV kanala.

Plex je program Media servera za opće korisnike i njegovo korištenje NE zahtijeva visok nivo tehničkog znanja u odnosu na ostale konkurente. Plex omogućava korisnicima da stream-uje medijski sadržaj sa svoje kućne mreže na sve kompatibilne uređaje.

PLEX Player - Step: 1
Pregled Plex-a

Plex se pojavljuje kao sistem za reprodukciju medija koji omogućava korisnicima da jednostavno dijele svoje filmove, TV serije, pjesme, fotografije i u osnovi bilo koji multimedijski sadržaj koji imaju na skladištu. Koristi server za hostiranje svih vaših medijskih sadržaja i media playera za strujanje sadržaja. Instaliranjem Plex Media Servera na PC na vašoj ličnoj mreži i dodavanjem medijskih sadržaja u vaše biblioteke, server će dohvatiti informacije u vezi s bibliotekom. Kada se to završi, možete povezati aplikaciju za reprodukciju (u Plexu zvanu Klijent) sa računarom u dnevnoj sobi, mobilnim telefonom, tabletima itd. Povezivanjem ovih uređaja na kućnu mrežu, aplikacije će odmah prepoznati server i prikazati vaš medijski sadržaj spreman za reprodukciju i streaming.

Smjestite svoje sadržaje na centralnoj lokaciji


Da biste koristili Plex i učinili ga funkcionalnim, morate uspostaviti server na računaru negdje u svojoj kući. Bez uspostavljanja servera, Aplikacije neće moći reproducirati bilo koji medijski sadržaj. Taj bi se postupak mogao činiti malo složenim, međutim, prednosti koje daje su ogromne. Prema našem ličnom iskustvu, prvi put kada smo napunili pleks, bilo je izvanredno i uzbudljivo za upotrebu.

Jednostavno dijeljenje


Kombinacija aplikacije sa vašom Plex strukturom je jednostavna. Prvo morate instalirati aplikaciju, pokrenuti je i vidjeti dok otkriva Plex servere na mreži. Server prenosi detalje o aplikaciji o vašoj ličnoj biblioteci medija i spremnoj je za gledanje. Izvrsna stvar u vezi s ovim dijelom je što, kada je server ispravno instaliran i radi i ne radi, ne morate poduzeti nikakve dodatne korake. Zapravo treba nekoliko sekundi kako bi aplikacija prepoznala sadržaj i reproducirala ih.

Centralizirana kontrola


Zadržavanje svih vaših sadržaja pohranjenih na centralnom serveru ukazuje na to da imate jedinstveno mjesto za kontrolu zbirke medijskog sadržaja. Možete dodati nove filmove ili jednostavno urediti sliku postera koja se koristi za vašu voljenu TV seriju. Svaka karakteristika servera kontrolira se putem Plex Web App. Djeluje u web pregledniku s bilo kojeg mjesta u vašoj kući, stoga ne morate biti na određenom mjestu da biste izmislili svoju biblioteku medija. Kada se izvrši izmjena, ona je odmah dostupna svim aplikacijama u vašoj kući bez preduzimanja daljnjih radnji.

Zabilježite ono što ste gledali


Poslužitelj zadržava evidenciju onoga što ste pogledali ili ste u tijeku gledanja. Svaka arhiva ima znak stanja "promatrano" koji vam omogućava da znate da jeste ili niste gledali sadržaj. Osim toga, ako ste prestali gledati usred emisije, prepoznaje gdje ste stali i pokušava krenuti od mjesta na kojem ste stali. Ova se značajka pojavljuje u bilo kojoj aplikaciji, ne samo u onoj u kojoj ste uopće počeli gledati sadržaj.

  • PLEX Player - Step: 2

Kako dovesti IPTV kanale na PS4 pomoću Plex-a

Potrebne stvari za dodavanje IPTV-a na PlayStation 3 & 4

Prije nego što saznate kako zapravo dodati IPTV u Plex na PlayStation-u, potrebno je obezbijediti sledeće:

  • PC – Windows or Mac
  • IPTV Plugin
  • Notepad++ app
  • Plex app
  • Plex account

Pogledatje objašnjenje kako.

Kako dovesti IPTV kanale na PS4 pomoću Plex-a

Korak 1: Započnite preuzimanjem Notepad ++ i instalirajte ga da biste prešli na sljedeći korak.

Skinuti (Download):


ili noviju verziju.

Korak 2: Sada idite na https://www.plex.tv i kreirajte račun. Kao što smo naveli u gornjem članku, pomoću plex-a možete strimovati filmove, muziku i slike sa računara, ali ovaj vodič usredotočit će se na IPTV za PS4.

PLEX Player - Step: 1 and 2

Korak 3: Nakon kreiranja računa, idite na odjeljak "Downloads" i potražite "Plex Media Server" i preuzmite ga.

PLEX Player - Step: 3

Korak 4: Nakon preuzimanja i instaliranja Plex-a, možete ga pokrenuti.

PLEX Player - Step: 4

Korak 5: Sada vam je potreban IPTV dodatak za Plex.

Korak 6: Nakon izdvajanja mape, morate zalijepiti cijelu mapu (IPTV.bundle-master) na ovo mjesto:

C: /users/"korisničko ime vašeg računara"/AppData/Local/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins

Korak 7: Nakon izdvajanja zip datoteke, vidjet ćete podmapu koja se zove sadržaj, unutar te mape nalazi se datoteka koja se zove info (.plist). Desnim klikom kliknite na ovu datoteku i odaberite opciju "uredi s Notepad ++", primijetit ćete ovu sliku:

PLEX Player - Step: 5

Korak 8: Sada morate ukloniti podebljani dio retka:


i samo ostavite


  baš kao i donja slika:

PLEX Player - Step: 6

Korak 9: Otvorite folder "Contents" i otvorite "resources". Ovdje morate preuzeti (download) svoj "M3U playlist", koji ste dobili od vašeg IPTV provajdera, i zamijeniti ga sa ovom  postojećom M3U playlistom koja već postoji u ovoj mapi.


Ovu M3U playlistu bi trebalo zamijeniti recimo jednom mjesečno, barem. Jer, kod ove vrste IPTV playera, on će imati samo TV kanale, Filmove i serije koje je ta lista imala u sebi u momentu skidanja sa interneta. M3U playlista se skida tako što samo kliknete na link koji vam je vaš IPTV provajder poslao i Chrome će, ako je on vaš omiljeni internet pretraživač, skinuti je automatski na vaš PC.

PLEX Player - Step: 7

Korak 10: Vratite se u mapu "IPTV.bundle-master" i preimenujte je u "IPTV.bundle"

Korak 11: PC deo je za sada gotov. Uključite svoj PS4, otvorite trgovinu (store) i potražite PLEX i preuzmite ga.

PLEX Player - Step: 8

Korak 12: Nakon preuzimanja i pokretanja Plex-a na PS4, potreban vam je kôd za prijavu na vaš račun koji možete otvoriti na 


i unijeti ga.

PLEX Player - Step: 9

Korak 13: Kao posljednji korak otvorite Plex na računaru, a zatim na PS4-u kako biste gledali kanale koje ste ranije dodali.


* Plex je potrebno stalno otvarati na računaru prije gledanja kanala na vašem PS4.

* Ne zaboravite zatvoriti i ponovo pokrenuti (restartovati) PLEX na računaru i Playstationu nakon ažuriranja playlist.m3u unutar fascikle resursa (resources folder).

* Kanali su takođe dostupni za streaming na vašim telefonima i tabletima putem aplikacije Plex na računaru.

* All instructions are for information only. ExYU IPTV Team is not responsible for their use or misinterpretation.
*Sva uputstva su informativnog karaktera. ExYU IPTV Team ne odgovara za njihovo korištenje ni pogrešno tumačenje istih.